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Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Tuesday, August 30, 2011
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asalamualaikum , hey guys.. how areyou??

this morning, my friend "novegi" tell what it is sleep paralysis and lucid dream. he said you saw on internet.after a look around the turns after staring at it ..

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Monday, August 29, 2011


Monday, August 29, 2011
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salat ied is sunna prayer of worship which is done every day feast of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. shalat ied are included in the sunna prayer muakkad, meaning that although this is the sunnah prayers but very important so it is advisable not to leave.

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Sunday, August 28, 2011


Sunday, August 28, 2011
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 assalamualaikum ..

what do you think about shalat tarawih or qiyamul lail.. in there we will tell about shalat tarawih... ^_^

Tarawih (Arabic: تراويح‎) refers to extra congregational prayers performed by Muslims at night in the Islamic month of Ramadan. They are not compulsory; however, many Muslims pray these prayers in the night during Ramadan. Some scholars maintain that Tarawih is not a Sunnah, but is the preponed Tahajjud prayer shifted to post-Isha for the ease of believers.

Tarawih prayers are prayed in pairs of two and can be prayed in at least 20 raka‘āt according to two schools (Hanafis, Shafi'i) of Sunni Islam. Some believe that 8, 12 or 20 can be read. A break is taken after every 4 rak'ah - Imam Malik added 4 raka'h in each break (to account for the time spent in Tawaf, since he was in Madinah) thus taking the total number to 36. Due to varying numbers, the number of prayers performed is broad in scope. This prayer is performed only during Ramadan of the Islamic calendar after Salāt of Isha'a. Muslims believe it is customary to attempt a khatm "complete recitation" of the Qur'an in Ramadan by reciting at least one juz' per night in tarawih. Tarawih prayers are considered optional, not mandatory.

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moymoy palaboy .. sing with funny!

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moymoy palaboy maybe most people already know him through cyberspace youtube. and this time we will recognize their biographical data:


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Saturday, August 27, 2011


Saturday, August 27, 2011
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Allāh (Arabic: الله, Allaah) is the Arabic word that refers to the name of God. The words of God in Arabic is a god as represented in two sentences sahadah Islam. The word Allah is widely known as the god designation by adherents of Islam. This word alone among the speakers of Arabic, is a general word to refer to God ["ALLAH" in Arabic is the god], regardless of their religion, including adherents of the Jewish and Christian Arabs. Consequently, this word is used in translation of the holy book of Christians and Jews who speak Arabic, as well as translation of the Bible dalah Indonesian and Turkish.

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    LAILATUL QADAR LAILATUL QADAR or Lailat Al-Qadr (Arabic: ليلة القدر) (evening provision) is an important night that occurred during Ramadan, which in the Qur'an is described as a night better than thousand months. And is also celebrated as the night the revelation of the Qur'an. Description of the privilege tonight can be found on the Surat al-Qadr, the 97th letter in the Qur'an.According to the Quraish Shihab, said al-Qadr (قدر) in accordance with its use in the verses of the Qur'an could have three meanings namely :

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Thursday, August 25, 2011


Thursday, August 25, 2011
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Puberty is a period when a child is experiencing changes in physical, psychological, sexual function and maturation. Puberty in our lives usually begins at the age of eight to ten years and ended approximately at the age of 15 to 16 years. In this period of growth and development is rapid. In her first menstrual period marked by puberty (menarche), whereas in men characterized by a wet dream .. Now, the known presence of early puberty in adolescents. The cause of early puberty is that the chemicals DDT itself, DDE, has effects similar to estrogen. This hormone is known to play a role in regulating the development of the female sex.     A child will show early signs of puberty, such as the sound began to change, the growth of hair on certain areas and enlarged breasts for a girl. For a girl, the signs usually appear by age 10 years and above and in boys, usually slower, ie at the age of 11 years and over. Physical changes that occur during puberty is responsible for the emergence of sex drive. The gratification of sex drive is still complicated by the many social taboos, as well as lack of correct knowledge about sexuality. But since the 1960s, have increased sexual activity among adolescents; recent studies show that nearly 50 percent of teens under the age of 15 and 75 percent under age 19 reported having had sex.     The cause of the emergence of puberty is influenced by pituitary hormones (the center of the entire system of the body's hormone-producing glands). Thanks to these hormones work, teenagers entering puberty, but began to appear of secondary sex characteristics that can differentiate between women and men. In other words, puberty occurs because the body starts producing sex hormones so that the reproductive organs are functioning and the body changes. 

give me a good comment,,, and don't forget to join site.. thanks..

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Sang Pencerah was in 2010 drama film directed by Hanung Bramantyo based on a true story about the founder of Muhammadiyah, Ahmad Dahlan. The film stars Lukman Sardi as Ahmad Dahlan, Ahmad Dahlan Ihsan Idol as Young, and Zaskia Adya Mecca as Nyai Ahmad Dahlan.The film made history as a lesson today about tolerance, coexistence (in collaboration with different beliefs), wrapped in religious violence, and the spirit of change is less. The Enlightenment figure reveals that the national hero of the side that is not widely known. In addition to establishing the Islamic organization Muhammadiyah, the man firmly establishing it also raised as a Muslim reformer in Indonesia. He introduced the modern face of Islam, openly, and rationally.

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  Damnation (from Latin damnatio) is the concept of everlasting divine punishment and/or disgrace, especially the punishment for sin as threatened by God (e.g. Mark 3:29). A damned being "in damnation" is said to be either in Hell, or living in a state wherein they are divorced from Heaven and/or in a state of disgrace from God's favor. Those Christians in purgatory, the "Church Suffering", are not considered damned, because their stay there is not eternal, while people who are damned to Hell will.
Following the religious meaning, the words damn and goddamn are a common form of religious profanity, in modern times often semantically weakened to the status of mere interjections.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Wednesday, August 24, 2011
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    Science (from Latin: scientia meaning "knowledge") is a company that systematically build and organize knowledge in the form tested explanations and predictions about the universe. An older meaning is closely related and still in use today is that of Aristotle, for whom scientific knowledge is a reliable body of knowledge that can be logically and rationally explained (see "History and etymology" section below). Since the days of classical science as a kind of knowledge is closely related to philosophy. In the modern era of the early two-word, "science" and "philosophy", sometimes used interchangeably in English. In the 17th century, "natural philosophy" (which is today called "natural science") began to be regarded separately from the "philosophy" in general. However, "science" continues to be used in a broad sense that shows that reliable knowledge about a topic, in the same way it is still used in modern terms such as library science or political science.       In modern usage, the science is "often treated as synonymous with 'natural and physical sciences', and thus limited to the branches of study concerned with the phenomena of the material universe and their laws, sometimes with implied exclusion of pure mathematics. This is now the dominant sense in ordinary use. "narrow sense" science "developed as part of the science into a different company to define" natural law ", based on early examples such as Kepler's laws, the laws of Galileo, and Newton's laws of motion . In this period became more common to refer to natural philosophy as the "natural sciences". During the 19th century, the word "science" became increasingly associated with the study of natural disciplines including physics, chemistry, geology and biology. This sometimes left the study of human thought and society in a linguistic limbo, which was completed by grouping the areas of academic study as the social sciences. Similarly, some of the key areas of discipline and knowledge of other studies are currently under the general rubric of "science", such as formal science and applied science. 

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Money is any object or record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a given country or socio-economic context. The main functions of money are distinguished as: a medium of exchange; a unit of account; a store of value; and, occasionally in the past, a standard of deferred payment. Any kind of object or secure verifiable record that fulfills these functions can serve as money.
Money originated as commodity money, but nearly all contemporary money systems are based on fiat money.  Fiat money is without intrinsic use value as a physical commodity, and derives its value by being declared by a government to be legal tender; that is, it must be accepted as a form of payment within the boundaries of the country, for "all debts, public and private".

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Monday, August 22, 2011


Monday, August 22, 2011
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I. Dasar Pemikiran
A. Pembelajaran di sekolah bukanlah satu-satunya bekal bagi siswa untuk terjun ke tengah masyarakat setelah menyelesaikan studinya nanti. Salah satu alternatif yang perlu dipahami adalah mencari wawasan dan terjun langsung ke tengah aktivitas masyarakat yang mempunyai korelasi dengan ilmu yang sedang dipelajari siswa bersangkutan.

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HEY GUYS , now I am going to post poems about love.


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Saturday, August 20, 2011


Saturday, August 20, 2011
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Do you want to make moves on top of the blog posts , guys? and know i will share about "HOW TO MAKE A FLASH BANNER ON YOUR BLOG"..  LEST TRY:

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how to find a good partner?

4 komentar
sometimes, love is difficult to understand.because, whenever love can come and go again. switch the word of "love" .. what do you think about love? according to me , love is an expression of feelings to someone we admire or care. and know we are will discuss about love and "how to find a good partner".

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Friday, August 19, 2011


Friday, August 19, 2011
2 komentar
do you want to install facilities chatting on your blog? know oom will share about "how to make chatroll in ourblog"..

  1. first, open www.chatroll.com 

     2.click sign up for register.

     3.Fill in the required data: Username, Password, Email and Verification Code.


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Sometimes,we will feel happy if the problem's in our life can be resolved.....
and know i will share about "how to solve our problem's".

  1. Fisrt , always respond a problem with keep smile.
if we have a  some problem,try to always keep smile.because, if we respond to problems with a smile. Survey says most problems in ourself is reduced. so try to smile in response to the problems we've been through.

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Thursday, August 18, 2011


Thursday, August 18, 2011
2 komentar

Assalamualaikum wr.wb postingan kali ini saya persembahkan untuk anak-anak sma kemala bhayangkari khususnya kelas2 yang mempunyai tugas tetang macromedia flash...semoga bermanfaat...

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

15 Manfaat Puasa Ramadhan bagi Kesehatan Manusia.byoom

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
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  • Saat berpuasa ternyata terjadi peningkatan HDL and apoprotein alfa1, dan penurunan LDL ternyata sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan jantung dan pembuluh darah. Beberapa the penelitian “chronobiological” menunjukkan saat puasa ramadan berpengaruh terhadap ritme penurunan distribusi sirkadian dari suhu tubuh, hormon kortisol, melatonin dan glisemia. Berbagai perubahan yang meskipun ringan tersebut tampaknya juga berperanan bagi peningkatan kesehatan manusia.  

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

tanda-tanda kiamat by oom

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
4 komentar


1. Diutusnya Rasulullah SAW
   Jabir r.a. berkata, “Adalah Rasulullah saw. jika beliau khutbah memerah matanya, suaranya keras, dan penuh dengan semangat seperti panglima perang, beliau bersabda, ‘(Hati-hatilah) dengan pagi dan sore kalian.’ Beliau melanjutkan, ‘Aku diutus dan hari Kiamat seperti ini.’ Rasulullah saw. mengibaratkan seperti dua jarinya antara telunjuk dan jari tengah. (HR Muslim)

2. Disia-siakannya amanat
   Jabir r.a. berkata, tatkala Nabi saw. berada dalam suatu majelis sedang berbicara dengan sahabat, maka datanglah orang Arab Badui dan berkata, “Kapan terjadi Kiamat ?” Rasulullah saw. terus melanjutkan pembicaraannya. Sebagian sahabat berkata, “Rasulullah saw. mendengar apa yang ditanyakan tetapi tidak menyukai apa yang ditanyakannya.”

Berkata sebagian yang lain, “Rasulullah SAW tidak mendengar.” Setelah Rasulullah SAW menyelesaikan perkataannya, beliau bertanya, “Mana yang bertanya tentang Kiamat?” Berkata lelaki Badui itu, “Saya, wahai Rasulullah SAW”. Rasulullah SAW berkata, “Jika amanah disia-siakan, maka tunggulah kiamat.” Bertanya, “Bagaimana menyia-nyiakannya?” Rasulullah SAW Menjawab, “Jika urusan diserahkan kepada yang bukan ahlinya, maka tunggulah kiamat.” (HR Bukhari)

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Monday, August 15, 2011


Monday, August 15, 2011
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Hidup ini bukan tentang menjadi pemenang atau pecundang, namun tentang menjadi dirimu sendiri dan berikan yg terbaik. #PEPATAH BY OOM.

Jangan pernah mengeluhkan masalah, ALLAH mengirimnya agar kamu bisa belajar sesuatu yg baik atau meninggalkan sesuatu yg buruk. #PEPATAH BY OOM.

Sahabat slalu ada untukmu, ketika kamu punya masalah. Bahkan terkadang memberi saran yg bodoh hanya tuk lihat kamu tertawa.#PEPATAH BY OOM.

Salah satu hal yg paling membingungkan ketika jatuh cinta adalah tak tahu harus memilih untuk menunggu atau menyerah.#PEPATAH BY OOM.

Terkadang persahabatan itu menjengkelkan dan melelahkan, tetapi itulah yang membuat persahabatan mempunyai nilai yang lebih.#PEPATAH BY OOM.

Kita adalah apa yang kita kerjakan berulang-ulang. Karena itu, keunggulan bukanlah suatu perbuatan, melainkan sebuah kebiasaan#PEPATAH BY ARISTOTELES.

Perbanyak teman, bertemanlah dengan siapapun, tapi jangan pernah membandingkan salah satu temanmu dengan temanmu yang lain.#PEPATAH BY EINSTEIN.

Kehidupan ini adalah pendidik dan karena itu kita senantiasa dalam keadaan belajar#PEPATAH BY BRUCE LEE.

Semua yang dimulai dengan rasa marah, akan berakhir dengan rasa malu#PEPATAH BY OOM.

Cinta dan kasih sayang yg tulus tidak perlu dibuktikan dengan banyaknya kata-kata, tapi akan terlihat dengan satu sikap, kesetiaan.#PEPATAH BY OOM.

Cinta tidak hanya memerlukan pengorbanan, tapi juga memerlukan ketulusan, karena cinta tak bisa dipaksakan.#PEPATAH BY OOM.

Cinta, suatu kata yang pantas untuk menyatakan perasaan, dan tidak akan hilang bila di awali dengan rasa benci#PEPATAH BY OOM.

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cerita lucu by oom

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berikut ini ada cerita-cerita lucu..silahkan di baca mudah-mudahan anda bisa tertawa....

Tiga Orang Pemabuk dan Kereta Api

 Tiga orang pemabuk tiba di stasiun kereta api beberapa saat sebelum kereta berangkat. Karena melihat ketiga pemabuk itu sempoyongan seperti tidak mampu naik kereta api, maka kepala stasiun yang baik hati membantu mereka naik. Ia sudah membantu dua orang naik kereta sebelum kereta berangkat, dan meminta maaf kepada seorang pemabuk lagi yang terpaksa tertinggal kereta api tadi. “Maaf tuan”, katanya. “Sebetulnya saya sangat ingin membantu Anda naik kereta”, kata kepala stasiun. “Tidak apa-apa”, jawab sang pemabuk yang tertinggal. “Teman saya akan lebih menyesal lagi. Mereka sebetulnya hanya mengantar saya ke stasiun”.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

cerita tentang ilmu

Saturday, August 13, 2011
1 komentar
cerita ini saya sampaikan bukan bermaksud untuk menghina tentang adanya ilmu.cerita ini saya sampaikan dengan sebab pengalaman yang saya pelajari ketika kemarin belajar membuat blog.

   kemarin tepatnya pada hari ketika saya ingin memperdalam dan bermaksud supaya blog saya dapat terkenal saya bergegas mempelajaritentang adanya internet marketing.sebenarnya saya agak ragu untuk mempelajarinya akan tetapi saya ingin bermaksud berhasil dalam internet marketing ini seperti para pendahulu-pendahulu lainya.singkat cerita saya bergegaslah untuk mempelajari dan memperdalah dunia blog ini.

   saya pergi dengan 2orang teman,sesampainya di sana karena salah satu anggota belum ada yang datang kami di suruh main game online terlebih dahulu.dengan senang hati lah kami maen game karena kami gak susah payah untuk mengeluarkan kocek yang cukup dalam menurut saya pada waktu itu mengigat saya bukanlah orang kaya yang apabila semua keinginanya di turuti saat itu juga.saya memang anak yang manja(menurut saya)akan tetapi lambat laun saya lebih memaknai arti sebuat kehidupan,bagaimana susahnya mencari uang,bagaimana susahnya mencari lapangan pekerjaan, walaupun saya masih kelas 2 sma saya ingin sekali bekerja dan mempunyao keinginan yang keras untuk membahagiakan orang tua saya (jadi curhat nih hehe ).

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Friday, August 5, 2011

anak sekolah yang mencoba beradaptasi.

Friday, August 5, 2011
4 komentar

Starban..sebuah wilayah yang bisa di bilang perkampungan,tetapi berada di tengah-tengah kota.orang-orang banyak berkata bahwa starban adalah tempat yang kumuh.tapi inilah tempat tinggalku.mengingat kalau aku baru 4 tahun di medan,dan baru setahun di starban.kadang,terfikir untuk mengubah keadaan yang sangat tidak nyaman ini,tetapi mungkin dengan usia yang masih seperti ini banyak orang yang mungkin menghina dan berkata “alah....masih anak-anak aja sok ngatur”.

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