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Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

asalamualaikum , hey guys.. how areyou??

this morning, my friend "novegi" tell what it is sleep paralysis and lucid dream. he said you saw on internet.after a look around the turns after staring at it ..

Sleep paralysis

in layman's language, can be regarded as sleep attack, in which the sufferer is very difficult to maintain a conscious state. Almost all the time he was sleepy. Drowsiness usually goes away after sleeping for 15 minutes, but in a short time sleepiness was attacked again. By contrast, in the evenings, many people with narcolepsy who complained could not sleep.
Disruption occurs in the mechanism of sleep regulation. Sleep, according to brain waves, divided in stages starting from stage 1, 2, 3, 4 and Rapid Eye Movement (REM.) REM sleep is the stage where we dream. In patients with narcolepsy REM waves as the waves penetrate into consciousness. Consequently sleepiness continued to attack, and the brain as if in a state of conscious dreaming.
To identify patients with narcolepsy, there are four classic symptoms (classic tetrad):

1. Excessive sleepiness (EDS)
2. Cataplexy (cataplexy)
3. Sleep paralysis
4. Hypnagogic / hypnopompic hallucination.
Cataplexy is a typical symptom of narcolepsy characterized by muscle melemasnya abruptly. Limp muscles that could be some muscle so that the head fell off, mouth open, dropping stuff, or it could be a whole body muscle. This situation is triggered by a surge of emotions, both sadness and joy. Usually the more positive emotions trigger cataplexy than negative emotions. In a study of patients with narcolepsy are invited to watch a comedy, and while he was laughing, he suddenly fell limp as if no bones supporting the body.
Conditions dream that infiltrate into consciousness manifests as hallucinations. People with narcolepsy usually hallucinate as if seeing others in the room. Someone else could a man known, friends, family, just shadows, ghosts or aliens, depending on the cultural background of the patient.
With symptoms that are unusual, not infrequently family considers people with narcolepsy suffer from mental disorders.


Dreams realized (UK: Lucid dream) is a dream when someone realized that he was dreaming. The term was coined by Dutch psychiatrist and author, Frederik (Willem) van Eeden (1860-1932). When a dream realized, the dreamer is able to actively participate and change the experience of the imagination in a world of his dreams. Dreams can realize tangible and clearly visible.
A dream realized can arise in two ways. Dreams realized due to a dream (dream-initiated lucid dream; DILD) began as an ordinary dream and the dreamer immediately conclude that he was dreaming, while a dream realized due to awake (wake-initiated lucid dream; WILD) occurs when the dreamer is moving from a state maintained ordinary into a dream state without experiencing unconsciousness.
Conscious dreams have been studied scientifically and its existence has been acknowledged. 

THANKS FOR EGI share tome about lucid dream.  i will try it.. hehhegive me a good comment guys ^_^

3 komentar:

deds said...

have u ever get a lucid dreams?

febri cool man said...

i'am ever.. in we're is tired.. we will make a lucid dream.. ??

oom bagus said...

deds: maybe .

fcm: yes, right..

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