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Monday, August 22, 2011


Monday, August 22, 2011
HEY GUYS , now I am going to post poems about love.


I was in the endless my solitude space,
Miserable and moaning at every track of time,
Where I found longing?
Or a heart left to freeze,
Icebergs into the stone,
Is there a dark soul will be shut,
Imprisoned in the heart of bitterness,
Why are you scatter plot romance until I stumbled and fell in love with folded arms?
The love that makes me hurt and cried for days without stopping,
Love that imprison me in a full range of punishment of time,
I love the peel with a sharp razor nicks,
The love that makes me drunk and destroyed, then pain, and torture in the cramped space and quiet.
Love that never ends. end and I started to hurt and after injury,
It is love that makes me drowning in a toxic storm,
Love the moaning in the sinking sun and the dark torment,
Auhhhh … …! I slumped, staring at empty space always
Looked at me full of humble, full of weeping and crying,
Is sick of me love stoned to death in a cruel punishment! 


too hard to forget
too sweet for the left
beautiful memories with you
in times of sadness.

Do not say no when in fact want
do not say painful when actually happy
because love can not be deceived
because that's the magic of love.

indeed, sometimes we are embarrassed to mengungkapkanya
but with love it becomes easy.
do not be afraid to say
do not be afraid to talk about
because all the beautiful WITH LOVE

this for you  lovely. by oom 

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