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Thursday, August 25, 2011


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Puberty is a period when a child is experiencing changes in physical, psychological, sexual function and maturation. Puberty in our lives usually begins at the age of eight to ten years and ended approximately at the age of 15 to 16 years. In this period of growth and development is rapid. In her first menstrual period marked by puberty (menarche), whereas in men characterized by a wet dream .. Now, the known presence of early puberty in adolescents. The cause of early puberty is that the chemicals DDT itself, DDE, has effects similar to estrogen. This hormone is known to play a role in regulating the development of the female sex.     A child will show early signs of puberty, such as the sound began to change, the growth of hair on certain areas and enlarged breasts for a girl. For a girl, the signs usually appear by age 10 years and above and in boys, usually slower, ie at the age of 11 years and over. Physical changes that occur during puberty is responsible for the emergence of sex drive. The gratification of sex drive is still complicated by the many social taboos, as well as lack of correct knowledge about sexuality. But since the 1960s, have increased sexual activity among adolescents; recent studies show that nearly 50 percent of teens under the age of 15 and 75 percent under age 19 reported having had sex.     The cause of the emergence of puberty is influenced by pituitary hormones (the center of the entire system of the body's hormone-producing glands). Thanks to these hormones work, teenagers entering puberty, but began to appear of secondary sex characteristics that can differentiate between women and men. In other words, puberty occurs because the body starts producing sex hormones so that the reproductive organs are functioning and the body changes. 

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2 komentar:

deds said...

how about you oom.... when u pubertas experience??

oom bagus said...

I experienced puberty at 12 years old... how about you mr deds?

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