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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

job today october at heinz 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

 for article job today is  JOB TODAY OCTOBER AT HEINZ 2011 for Food Safety & Hygiene Supervisors..

You grew up with the Heinz brand and you know the quality of Heinz. Our people are also of the highest quality, we accept no If you qualify, come join one of the most profitable

and fastest growing Indonesian business as one of the world's largest consumer products. We are looking for qualified candidates to join our team as: space.

Food Safety & Hygiene Supervisors
Jakarta Raya


Food safety and hygiene systems development and implementation at the plant and copack


Pria / Wanita
Sarjana jurusan Teknologi Pangan, Teknik Industri
3 tahun pengalaman di Departemen Kualitas lebih disukai di Pabrik atau Produksi Departemen dengan tugas implementasi sistem keamanan pangan
Memiliki pemahaman yang baik dan pengalaman dalam sistem keamanan pangan seperti ISO 22000, HACCP, GMP, Kebersihan Pribadi
Juga pengalaman sebagai auditor
Jujur, bersemangat untuk belajar, pekerja keras dan pemain tim
Fasih dalam bahasa Inggris baik lisan & tertulis
Mengoperasikan komputer
Bersedia untuk melakukan perjalanan


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