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Friday, August 19, 2011


Friday, August 19, 2011

Sometimes,we will feel happy if the problem's in our life can be resolved.....
and know i will share about "how to solve our problem's".

  1. Fisrt , always respond a problem with keep smile.
if we have a  some problem,try to always keep smile.because, if we respond to problems with a smile. Survey says most problems in ourself is reduced. so try to smile in response to the problems we've been through.

      2. respond to serious problems with care.

 always respond a problem with carefully and seriouslly.because, if we are not serious in handling a problem. problems would be greater.so we must handling problem with seriuous.

      3.don't tell your problem's with anyone.

never tell your problem's with anyone.because,it would just be laughing for they.so,don't tell your problem's with anyone.

      4.share you problem with your close friend.

if you are not able to hold your problem.you can share you problem to  the people closest to it.maybe they can help ...

      5.pray to the god about our problem's

your problem can be resolved if you want to pray to the god. " insyaallah" you problem can be relolved.

hopefully the above methods can solve our problems.


3 komentar:

deds said...

problem's always in our life...

oom bagus said...

I agree, human beings never be separated from problem's... thanks for your comment ded's

Lowongan Kerja Cpns Terbaru said...

keren banget artikelnya
terus menulis om :)

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